Thursday, December 24, 2015

..Extraction .. free HD movie download


Extraction (II) (2015)


A former CIA operative is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. When his son learns there is no plan for his father to be saved, he launches his own rescue operation.


 Steven C. Miller


 Max Adams, Umair Aleem


 Bruce Willis, Kellan Lutz, Gina Carano 


A former CIA operative is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. When his son learns there is no plan for his father to be saved, he launches his own rescue operation.    

User Reviews

Need better script,better choreograph,and more Cerano
23 December 2015 |  United States
Bruce here plays a CIA agent who gets captured by the enemy on a very important mission,and the son,who's a cia wannabe field agent have to find him and save him.That's basically the entire story

This movie is nothing new under the sun. Bruce Willis does his usual under par performance.Which he seem to be doing a lot of lately. Gina Cerano certainly haven't been given much,for her MMA skills to work with. And the male lead is such a bad actor you laugh.Every time he knocks down someone,he takes a half a minute pause,just to gloat There's no chemistry between him and Gina,and they are suppose to be ex lovers.They try to convince you they were once a couple, with mixing some baby talk in between and talking in half sentences.Pretending they have long history together..But alas the chemistry is all wrong

Whats worse is, every darn bad guy know matter how low on the totem pole they are,they seem to be excellent figthers. And our male hero have to struggle to fight every last one of them,no matter how scrawny they are. And he is supposed to be super good,top of his class on all levels,who have been passed over several times for field duty.

Remember the 80's? The direct to video kung fu/ martial arts action movies ,with Michael dudikoff,jean claude,Steven seagal,Dolph lundgren etc.When every bad guy they came up against knew martial arts? You had good elegant fighting scenes,with the camera way back.

Heres the problem.Back in the days,that stuff worked.You were okay with every bad guy knowing kung fu,it worked,because it was that type of movie. With this movie it doesn't
The fights are boring, and lousy choreographed. The characters are even worse ,the plot is boring,and predictable. Gina is reduced to being a sidekick, and ex girlfriend,and even her fights are way below par,for what you could expect from having her in a movie. Watch haywire instead. Gina have to struggle with beating up a lowe life henchman                                              

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